Cm punk shits himself. Frederick Douglas Rosser III (born November 2, 1983) is an American professional wrestler. Cm punk shits himself

Frederick Douglas Rosser III (born November 2, 1983) is an American professional wrestlerCm punk shits himself  The match was an unmemorable street fight as the ending had Ryback come

Jeff Hardy's worst enemy is Jeff Hardy. DDP stated hat he believes CM Punk shot himself in the foot with. That time CM Punk shit himself during a match with Dean Ambrose on SmackDown and later tweeted about it. Jerry McMillan. It’s that simple. He is best known for his time with WWE under the ring name Darren Young. If you rub it in the carpet with your hobnail boots. 611 votes, 153 comments. When asked about the possibility of his appearance at Survivor Series, Punk provided a cryptic response, saying, “They’re asking if I’m going to be there? I think it’s sold out. In October 2004, New Jack, wrestling for Thunder Wrestling Federation, was scheduled to fight fellow wrestler William Jason Lane. it seems even a bit stranger that Landsberg would use a guy that's trying to distance himself from pro wrestling as a way to trash a pro wrestling company. I'd expect an awesome funny pic. Join us to discuss WWE…Few people in history have ever lived (or died) as hard as the little known punk rock singer GG Allin, a man so infamous for wanton acts of debauchery and violence during his life, fans would regularly shit all over his grave as a way of honoring his memory. • 2 yr. ” “Sources familiar with the situation claim that CM Punk has often verbally expressed his displeasure, including recently so blatantly that they thought he might end up quitting the company,” Sapp wrote. The pro wrestling veteran. Subscribe Now -. Fightful's Sean Ross Sapp reported via Twitter/X that Punk and Jack Perry had a physical confrontation that also involved yelling. Then, a months-long suspension. CM Punk’s run in AEW: CM Punk was the white whale, the wrestler Tony Khan wanted to build AEW around from the very beginning. CM Punk Will Likely Not Appear At AEW All Out – Exclusive. Booker T doesn’t see the value in CM Punk. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The statement goes on to clarify that the AEW Discipline Committee made a “unanimous recommendation to [AEW CEO Tony] Khan that CM Punk be terminated with cause. Took place on SmackDown, 5/13/2010. 1. September 16, 2023. He memorably botched the AA counter in the otherwise flawless MITB match, for example. Punk thought and Ace. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. For things that are a little bit more wild, crazy, scary, terrifying and incredible than the average…3 Bad: Needlessly Injured Himself. This audio clip is from the interview CM Punk. We've been friends for a long time. Reddit's largest professional wrestling community. Balor last wrestled in the 6-Person Tag Match at the 6/5 Hell in a Cell premium live event, where Edge, Priest & Rhea Ripley of the former Judgment Day would defeat Balor, AJ Styles & Liv. CM Punk allegedly got involved in a brawl with Jack Perry backstage at AEW All In. Gotta love it. When the subject of former AEW World Champion CM Punk came up, Morrison said he believes Punk is someone who suffers from mental health and how. Tony did not want Ace at the buildings. Yes, it’s real, it’s called blading. We're told The Hollywood Historic Trust will be filing a police report for the vandalism. The honeymoon period with CM Punk in All Elite Wrestling has been over for a long time. Phillip Jack Brooks (born October 26, 1978), better known by the ring name CM Punk, is an American professional wrestler, actor, retired mixed martial artist and commentator. He also reportedly lunged at Tony Khan, and things turned ugly. But like you said, didn't feel liken big deal. . This then became GG. . In regards to his leveling system for Punk fans, he claims that Cenation is sort of like Planet Fitness with its "Judgment-Free Zone. Sep 02, 2023. One of CM Punk’s go-to lines when he was under WWE contract was that he was “The Voice of the Voiceless,” and to hear him speak on this. Curry still made it this popular though. CM Punk future in AEW remains in doubt. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep cm punk" "christian. Known as "the Eighth Wonder of the World ," Roussimoff was known for his great size, which was a result of gigantism caused by excess growth hormones. His departure from WWE brought several industry issues into the spotlight, spurring important discussions around wrestlers' rights, creative control, and overall wellness. It built toward Punk vs. Punk is most well known for his infamous pipe bomb promo on Raw in June 2011, which. Well, CM Punk has made a fair amount of money off it too. He is best known for his time in World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) from 2005 to 2014, and in All Elite Wrestling (AEW) from 2021 to 2023. Punk's superb comeback and year or so of great showings screeched to a halt with the combo of an injury and the fallout with AEW that has him missing from the company and his future a question mark. The Summer of Punk, back in 2011 was a sort of a mini-boom for the promotion. r/SquaredCircle. However, the Death Rider has been a tremendous asset to AEW for the past. It’s not true to say that bridges can’t ever be burned in pro wrestling. In reality, CM Punk and The Rock got along and became friends during their storyline. CM Punk shits on Jericho. There are various fan photos and footage showing him secretly in. 3. Comments range from the profane to a. T… 12352709: was Lucifer's fall from Heaven the greatest bump of all time? Dude was such a mark for himself. I think having top contenders, whoever came out of this match tonight, MJF sets up as a great challenger, and. CM Punk tells a story about an incident he had during the Chicago Marathon in 2011 involving a portable toilet. 3. After Punk lashed out during the post–All Out media scrum in September 2022—which led to a backstage brawl involving Punk, Kenny Omega, the Young Bucks, and others—Punk finds himself on the. With the Punk situation, it all started when Adam Page went into business for himself with a line he said in a promo. Blogs. Show falls to one knee, gets angry giant face. He's an expert at saying what gets the best reaction and keeps his name out there for maximum impact of minimal effort, and more power to the annoying little prick for it. Make sure you go to the bathroom before taking a Henry slam. He shared this. Crypto Punk accused Page of “going into business for himself,” which is wrestling parlance for someone who ignores a pre-arranged script or angle, to cut a promo without their opponent’s knowledge. CM Punk's wrestling journey is a tale of rebellion, resilience, and a deep-rooted love for professional wrestling. The match was discovered to be a bout against Dean Ambrose, on the December 6th, 2013 episode of Friday. Joe was 10x more over. The confrontation Punk had with a group of fans while in the audience was not part of the act, though, and a possibly innocent fan named Charles Schmidt may have taken the brunt of the champion. Logan Paul looks the most to something that ressembles a boxer, he would have won if he wasn’t stupid. Jeremy Lambert Aug 31, 2022 11:00AM. There’s a horrific match between Eddie Guerrero (RIP) and John Bradshaw where they both bladed but Eddie cut himself too deep and opened up a gusher. . And, as he reminded a packed crowd at the United Center in Chicago on Saturday, he is tired of being nice. WWE title history. During a SmackDown taping on 12/3/2013, Punk defecated in his trunks during a match with Dean Ambrose. Meanwhile, other stories say Punk is unhappy in AEW and nearly quit the company. Punk was involved in an incident backstage at AEW All In where Khan said he feared for his life and innocent people were endangered. The latest episode of Kliq This saw Nash and co-host Sean. Store. . Yet, over the past year, a large part of that fame has moved into the territory of. CM Punk wrestles in his underwear and wins. He reportedly suffered a triceps injury that required surgery during the match. After the pay-per-view, Punk took part in an explosive media scrum alongside AEW president Tony Khan, and during the press conference Punk took aim at several of his colleagues, including Elite. Business, Economics, and Finance. He made his debut in 2006, looking nothing like a bodybuilder and having none of the moves of an acrobat. Subscribe. He wrote on Twitter: "Just s--t my britches on smackdown. Not saying that he's bad or something but I don't think he belongs in any All Time lists, even on Promo all time list. I also think CM Punk is a huge mark for himself who threatens to take his ball and go home at the drop of a hat. CM Punk on who his favorite wrestler is, besides himselfSeptember 4, 2023. But. He just doesn't know for what promotion. The sudden firing came a day. Sid. If people want to see him, he’ll get a job. On the speculation of Punk returning to WWE at Survivor Series because it’s in Chicago: "Selling that fu**ing company for 9 billion bucks, boy what you need on a ship that's fu**ing sailing on. Tonight he beats Michael Shane, or he won't be able to live with himself. CM Punk constantly runs into issues with co-workers as a trend that has followed him through WWE, AEW, TNA and Ring of Honor. Funny. This will actually be Punk's second time entering the Rumble as No. Punk's return was met with a mixed reaction from fans, but Paul Wight believes he is best for business. The aftermath to the much-hyped WrestleMania 27 elicited much backlash as. CM Punk vows to fight on. Mark the Evangelist (Latin: Mārcus; Greek: Μᾶρκος; Coptic: Μαρκοϲ; Hebrew: מרקוס‎) is the traditionally ascribed author of the Gospel of Mark. Archived post. Wrestlers in the locker room thought Page “went into business for himself” and Punk used this week’s promo as a “receipt. ” to tell you himself. via Flickr. ” Think about that. Phil Brooks. Punk single-handedly just made everyone forget about a 4 1/2 hour PPV in 8 mins. Late last week, the full recording of the podcast was played as evidence; Punk had to sit in the courtroom and listen as a version of himself from two years ago slashed angrily at the world he'd. If it had gone the other way, he feigns outrage and shits himself while yelling. 25), which takes place very close to CM’s hometown of Chicago. 901. Around this point in time, he was getting the ire of Mr. — Kenny Olivier (@Kenny69MeDon) May 30, 2022 Even though Punk took the title home on Sunday, his performance did not impress some fans at the PPV. His presence helped usher in a new era for the company and broke the mould of what a WWE Superstar could be. September 4, 2023 at 3:27 PM · 2 min read. Pics. WWE Champion CM Punk reportedly cut himself to draw blood during his match on Raw with Jerry Lawler. AEW corrected that mistake on last night’s Dynamite with a taped bit where Punk himself said he has a lot of things to get off his chest when the mic is finally in his hands on Saturday night. Fightful Select's Sean Ross Sapp said "several" members of the AEW roster "have told us they don't know how Punk couldn't be let go" by the company. Punk had revealed on Colt Cabana's podcast that the WWE doctors bombarded him with Z-Paks (antibiotic), which forced him to soil his pants on an episode of SmackDown. He admitted to being. Yeah Punk has always been a little “sloppy,” it’s not a big deal and not new. Good matwork early on, and Punk tweaks his knee early on, definitely hindering this and kind of again showing how not suited he is for a lot of the more athletic stuff he. MJF is a top wrestler, CM Punk’s the world champion, the top wrestler in the world. Pods. While his AEW return seemed to be in jeopardy throughout his recovery from injury, a report came out that claimed Tony Khan and CM Punk's relationship remained on “sound footing. By M. Punk returned and wrestled on the debut. Vids. Phil Brooks, an independent wrestler who began his career in 1999 working backyard and small shows in Illinois gained notoriety in 2002 when most wrestling fans began to learn about CM Punk. "I've known Phil for a long time. Team him up with Arn's son and have Tully Blanchard come back for an Arn/Tully psuedo Four Horsemen faction with a couple others added. In September 2022, the current “real world champion” lashed out at the Young. It’s unknown how long Punk and Perry will be shelved. I mean at least Warrior went out there and spewed out his mindless moronic views for free. - Apparently WWE Superstar CM Punk pooped himself during his match at the WWE SmackDown television taping. 6K. Punk took to his Instagram stories and trolled fans as he uploaded an old photo of himself along with AJ Lee. CM Punk is back. #cmpunk #aew #allelitewrestling #prowrestling CM Punk really makes himself look bad. According to Fightful's Sean Ross Sapp and multiple other reports, Punk and "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry were involved in a backstage altercation prior to the start of the main card at All In, which. CM Punk was said to be seriously injured during his AEW world championship victory against Jon Moxley at All Out 2022. - CM Punk, who wrestled a member of The Shield at tonight’s WWE SmackDown tapings, says he had an accident in the ring. ) Yet he thinks it was ok for Punk to confront Perry for a perceived slight. But then again, he definitely said both of those. Rofl. He makes a big deal about how it was management’s idea for Punk to go to Perry to say the glass thing was a bad idea (in Punk’s defense, he’s right. The UFC has been trying out a couple of new things lately. He tweeted the following: This poop just ain't fun anymore. Unfortunately, Punk hates him, and knowing the guy, he always will. On the June 20, 2011 episode of Monday Night Raw, CM Punk announced that his contract would expire on July 17 (the same night as the Money in the Bank pay-per-view) and that he would leave WWE. - Apparently WWE Superstar CM Punk pooped himself during his match at the WWE SmackDown television taping. His attitude, look and style made him an instant stand out as differed so drastically from the rest of the roster. This is known as a blade job in wrestling which WWE has outlawed. In the midst of this wrestling whirlwind, CM Punk himself addressed the speculation in a recent interview with 670 The Score. He retired from professional wrestling in 2014 when he left the WWE, and returned when. President Trump 's Walk of Fame star got a fresh coat of paint, but he ain't gonna be thrilled about it. 8 years ago. 1, as he drew the dreaded spot in 2011, lasting 35 minutes before being eliminated at the hands of John Cena. I do remember seeing the big brown patch on the ring but I figured it was just stained by the wrestling over the night (sweat etc). . Regardless, he wasn’t a good fit for the promotion, and those differences ultimately led to company president Tony Khan firing. The rabid CM Punk fan base has diminished. On the Sept. Match #7: Colt Cabana vs. Fits. 5. He's pretty ugly. A bit hard to believe that when he mentions WWE in every breath he takes. In a diatribe similar to his rant at the AEW All Out media scrum, Punk claimed Moxley refused to lose to him last fall—which Moxley ultimately did at AEW All Out—while calling Chris Jericho a. Punk’s ambition has always outpaced his athleticism, even years back. Happened on AEW Dynamite, 8/17/22; Punk took a legitimate shot at Adam Page; It increased tensions between the two men; Wrestlers going off-script happens all the time, but when it becomes a. Available on all podcast platforms. After beating down John Cena in the ring, the Straight Edge Superstar asked for a microphone and sat down, cross-legged, on the stage. He was wearing his classic wrestling gear at the time. I just thought that Punk seemed to be in bad shape. ago. He is currently signed with All Elite Wrestling (AEW) and is best known for his time with the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) where he worked for them from 2005 until his abrupt walk-out from the. By Ishaan Sharma Published May 12, 2023 During a match with Dean Ambrose on SmackDown, CM Punk experienced a very embarrassing incident in the ring. . Subscribe to newsletters. To be fair to Punk, he initially looked capable of channeling his WWE grudge into motivation to make him succeed in AEW. Subscribe to ESPN on YouTube: Subscribe to. Jericho is a more entertaining wrestler to watch, but CM Punk is more technically sound. Jun 20, 2023. Ron Paul. On Saturday evening, Tony Khan and AEW announced that CM Punk's contract had been terminated. Triple H went back to his onscreen corporate role. Justin Barrasso. The fans expected a promo from Punk where he'd discuss the scripted reasons for his actions, but no one. The investigation into the post-All Out backstage fight between CM Punk & The Elite is apparently wrapping up. JERRY NADLER SHITS HIMSELF ON TV!! Video by . Just one day ahead of his AEW return, CM Punk has opened up regarding the backstage controversy of the last year-plus. John Morrison shares his thoughts on CM Punk's injury and his comments at the press conference after AEW All Out. Photo: AP. - CM Punk, who wrestled a member of The Shield at tonight's WWE SmackDown tapings, say he had an accident in the ring. . Punk insisted he was defending himself, rather than going into. Prior to signing with WWE, Rosser competed in Northeastern and Mid. Tickets. Eric Bischoff claims CM Punk is worse than Hulk Hogan. In recent days, several reports have come out that CM Punk went into business for himself by using his in-ring promo to bury fellow wrestler Adam Page. If you want to be hardcore, you gotta go full explosive diarrhea. Punk is just a special snowflake who gets aggresive when interacting with people who violate his random boundaries, Michaels went out of his way to make life harder for. It also seems to indicate the veil of silence over what happened in the early morning hours. 16652. Punk was the new AEW World Champion and was kicking off his reign was a dream match of sorts, teaming up with FTR for a 6-man tag. It might be worth noting that Seth Rollins also called himself the “Best In The World” last week on RAW. Two different types of problems. A lot of people may not like Phil's attitude," said Wight in an interview with DAZN at the end of July. CM Punk says he's not worried about embarrassing himself during his UFC debut. Punk's momentum faded at this point. With their new show, AEW Collision, TK was able to keep Punk away from wrestlers he had issues with on Dynamite, and it worked for a few months. By Sai Mohan / Updated: May 11, 2022 12:54 am EST. . Punk, who was bloodied during the match, defeated Samoa Joe thanks to a Pepsi Plunge finishing maneuver. CM Punk talks about the times he beat up wrestling fans on Highly Questionable. AEW. " In. Wrestlers peeing themselves during a match. Sycho Sid. Punk found himself in hot water during the All Out post-show scrum. CM Punk. WWE title history. He celebrated the victory with some fans sitting near the ring. According to reports, CM Punk started the tussle by first throwing a. I saw Becky do the "SUCK IT" to Alexa a few months ago. He takes his spot in this, as once again, Rob has a weird loyalty to most possible available late days ECW talent. via ign. ”. AEW. Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling. In a joyous 45-minute speech, unscripted because he would have it no other way, Punk praised the wrestlers. Completely. (CM Punk's dog) from the situation to help keep him safe. A troubled 19-year-old stabbed himself to death on stage at an open mic night after playing a song called Sorry For All the Mess. If you’ve ever seen CM punk wrestle throughout the years 1) you know he was never on roids hence his bird body, and 2) he has more than likely never done drugs 3) he’s been talking about how the WWE pumped him full of zpacks (antibiotics) and that caused him to shit himself during a match. Kevin Steen and former ROH booker Gabe Sapolsky recall the April 2005 ’T-Shirt Incident’ with CM Punk, on the Kevin Steen Show. CM Punk competed against Team Taz's Will Hobbs at Rampage: Grand Slam, which will air this Friday night at 10 pm. CM Punk goes one-on-one with The Shield's Dean Ambrose. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Oh. Oh inevitably with KSI's big ass head. Amid the jubilation, stage-diving, and ice cream bars, Pro Wrestling Tees, the home of ShopAEW, saw their servers crash as CM Punk quickly became the top merchandise seller and his. Published August 19, 2022. com. Hell, Cody even puts more people over than Kenny, Bucks, etc combined. There’s the new owners who just started showing up at UFC 202. 2. The long-awaited CM Punk vs. -2. AEW promised exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of CM Punk after his shocking AEW World Championship loss to Jon Moxley on tonight's Rampage. Max Caster Name Drops Will Smith, CM Punk Pooping His Pants on AEW Dynamite. It was from. CM Punk has the wrestling world talking after going off on Colt Cabana, Hangman Page, and the AEW EVPs (The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega, though he didn’t mention them by name. During the infamous Colt Cabana podcast, where CM Punk spilled his guts about the WWE, he made mention of an incident that happened on SmackDown. Recently, the wrestling community has been abuzz with speculation about CM Punk and a potential return to All Elite Wrestling (AEW), despite his contract being terminated “with cause. Everyone has an opinion on CM Punk and the ongoing drama related to his return to AEW, which is apparently still up in the air for various reasons. It easily ceased before this week’s drama. 777K subscribers in the SquaredCircle community. Kevin Nash isn’t the only one who has a lower opinion of CM Punk, ever since the All Out media scrum. Punk hasn’t focused on the bag so much over the last few weeks, but that changed on tonight’s (July 29) episode of Collision. The match was an unmemorable street fight as the ending had Ryback come. Got himself out of the main event picture early. com/wrestlelamiaTopics Discussed In this V. com/wrestlelamia instagram. Unlike your typical 9-5, there are no bathroom breaks in professional wrestling, which means if a superstar feels the call of nature while being suplexed on Monday Night Raw, their only option is to simply let it happen and carry on with the match. Vincent Kennedy McMahon Jr. The last time AEW fans saw CM Punk, he was taking potshots at seemingly anything that moved. You can. By. CM Punk was the unlikeliest WWE star. . CM Punk, who makes his return to the promotion after 10 months off, has plenty to say about his peers and a new night on TV for wrestling. Gets his own show, can call himself the "real world champ", and is set to face and challenge MJF eventually (maybe at All In - All Out). CM Punk has reportedly had another physical confrontation in AEW. Punk received the Iron Mike Mazurki Award at the concluding CAC banquet, held August 30 at the Plaza Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. Lugemania live commentary/live reactions of WWE Monday Night Raw and WWE Smackdown. Throughout the six-minute destruction of his fellow wrestlers and the company,. Forum Posts. Sh*t happens but it's worse when you're a WWE Wrestler in the ring!Follow Me: twitter. He even sued WWE for the injuries which could have killed him prior to his walk out after the 2014 Royal Rumble. And now, based on rumors and reports going around today, it sounds like we will get a taste of what a 2023 CM Punk worked shoot pipe bomb looks. Bryan could’ve won the 2014 Rumble by turning on Bray in the final 2. If Nick Hausman suddenly reported or confirmed a negative news story about CM Punk, I'd probably consider it pretty credible knowing that he's building a reputation of being Punk's propaganda machine. I guess telling her to fuck off, and die, didn't occur to him. 9-Gen XYZ (The Dozen, Match 298) Starting Soon. Image Credit: AEW. Many blame Triple H, who inserted himself into Punk's path and knocked him off at Night of Champions 2011. Punk got exposed, if youre still on board youre a fool and get less than 0 respect sorry. The Miz gets so scared on live tv he actually shits himself, ENJOY!This vid was mainly used to test out my capture card ^^Extr. 9M subscribers in the ThatsInsane community. He was in many ways the spiritual harbinger of AEW, a man who galvanized a generation of fans and inspired a generation of future wrestlers: Darby Allin, Lee Morairty, Brody King, Aubrey Edwards, to name a few. KSI got lucky, and training for 2 years only to have a right overhand that comes from another timezone is unacceptable. Sept. We feel that it is important that nothing we just said is hyperbole, Allin’s fans. He tweeted the following: CM Punk Poops Himself Read Full Story The infamous Heroes of Wrestling was terrible for many reasons, but the biggest downfall of the event was Jake "The Snake" Roberts being noticeably drunk. Shitting one's pants is very pop-punk. The biggest story in pro wrestling this week is CM Punk going off on Colt Cabana, Hangman Page, Kenny Omega, and the Young Bucks at the All Out media scrum, leading to a backstage fight between Punk and The Elite. I see Sammy tried to defend him the other day but that's feint praise. #29 · Oct 18, 2011. CM Punk w/ Dave Prazak [Best Two of Three Falls Match - Special Referee: Suicide Kid] There's mic work before the bell, but commentary talks over it so fuck it. So CM Punk was a wrestler in the WWE, he was a big fan of the UFC and he ended. He is currently signed to New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW), where he is a former Strong Openweight Champion. That was Punk’s first match. Wrestler profiles. During a match on Smackdown in 2013, CM Punk lost control of his bowels and pooed himself. . In a match with Dean Ambrose, Punk blamed WWE's medical team for his incident and said, "They z-packed me to death, so much that in December I s," Fish said, "and frankly, as a martial artist, I went. I am a CM Punk fan and it startles me to see so many don't like him and was curious why. Morning News. yes. CM Punk is loved no matter how they book him, Rey is one of their more popular stars on any roster, and Big Dave presents several fresh feuds. Programs between him and guys like Hangman, CM Punk, Eddie Kingston or Mox would have been outstanding. #prowrestling #cmpunk #aew #mjf #shorts CM Punk got injured by himself!comments. CM Punk. R. 7. During our match I was in the ring with him, he threw me in the corner and gave me his big ass bump, at that very moment he sh*t himself and it went all over my chest. Punk won the AEW World Championship by defeating Jon Moxley at AEW All Out. He thought that he and Punk were good friends, but it turns out, Punk hated him, and The Miz never understood why. I think he is a good talker and good in the ring, but he's not a huge wrestling god to me like so many others. He sees wrestling as a legit thing and I can probably bet he's not a super big fan of the modern "indy" style of wrestling. The latest. They've been suspended since late August and there's been an investigation going on since the incident. Believability is a priority in wrestling and that's why I don't like any meta references and meta. CM Punk: I can’t wait for Saturday. Pete Dunne is the ugliest motherfucker and I think it adds to his ability as a heel. This could very well be a guy's big moment trying to stand up for himself, only to shit his. Caught in the act CM Punk! Because the face is so vascular, that combined with the hot sweat causes the blood to look extremely bloody!🩸🩸🩸😷 Follow @Davi. 139. Mysterio. WWE made him take it down so he tweeted "this poop just ain't fun anymore". To be honest, this is rivalry is one-sided, as The Miz doesn’t hate CM Punk back. The Punk/Perry skirmish. WWE trial has wrapped up after five long days of intense examination. Punk can work himself into a shoot sometimes, but I think a lot of people have forgotten how good of a worker this guy is. Booker T on Punk: “CM Punk, he didn't just leave WWE. Tonight there is a show called "I Shit You Not" at 8 p. Match stops if anyone bleeds to prevent the spread of disease. Adult Humor. UFC superstar CM Punk has obtained a restraining order against his estranged mother -- claiming she. 289 views, 3 likes, 0 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Reels from Wrestleheads: @wrestleheads_ Peoples Thoughts of The Video of #CMPunk going of and #TonyKhan just Taking it ! ⭐This is the most.